Category Archives: News
Lost Gems: Dark Castle (1986)
After receiving a generous donation from a Swiss fellow named “Louis” which -among other machines- included a boxed early Macintosh Plus we decided to play a bit with this Mac. Spotting an original game in the shelves we did not test yet it turned out to be a lot of fun: Dark Castle by Silcon Beach Software 1986. A truly great action adventure for a wonderful classic machine. Thank you Louis!
MEGA65 first prototype
At the AMIGA30 years event in Neuss, Germany, we showed the first MEGA65 prototype. The machine could be touched and fully tried out, all modes were usable and visitors played games using classic joysticks attached to the machine or coded some BASIC programs. The MEGA65 received a lot of attention by the audience and former Commodore employees – we learned to know a lot of interesting people and found new friends. You can find the talk about MEGA65 by clicking this link.
Exhibition: Animated Wonderworlds
The exhibition Animated Wonderworlds at Museum für Gestaltung Zurich is a wonderful modern trip through the facettes of animated images and electronic versatility. Our Tamagotchi collection can be seen in the exhibition, from the very first pre-series-one japanese male and female version over the japanese series one and the european first edition up to the newest generation. Make sure to visit the exhibition before 10th of January if you can!
Trainee @ MEGA
Christina studies Creative Content Design at Mittweida university. She loves adventures games, especially with a point-and-click interface. Right now she is designing a very special game for a very special computer. Be curious!
Psychic Seeds
7 years after we reverse engineered the Nintendo Pokemon Mini micro game console and released the award winning SHizZLE demo there is still life in the PM scene! JustBurn, known for his PokeMini emulator and other great retro computing activities, and Palkone just released their homebrew game “Psychic Seeds“. The game not only fits the Pokemon theme perfectly, it even surpasses all commercial Pokemon Mini games as it features soft scrolling and many hours of gameplay. You can download Pychic Seeds for free or watch a video of the gameplay.
Programming Basics: Scratch the Snake
As part of the exhibition “Hamster Hipster Handy” we have reprogrammed the mobile game classic “Snake” in a workshop called “Scratch the Snake”. For this the Programming-Basics-Team taught basic understanding of the logic and structure of the game, so participants could playfully learn how to use the graphical programming environment and implement the programming independently.
Hamster Hipster Handy vernissage
The grand opening of the Hamster Hipster Handy exhibition at Museum Angewandte Kunst was a great event. Several hundreds people attended and the huge exhibition area was literally stuffed. Now it’s your turn to visit this impressive, deep and unique exhibition in Frankfurt/Main. And what about a special event?